Friday, August 22, 2008


It's Friday. The sun found it's way out from the forest of clouds and took a stroll across the blue laneway above. Breakfast was late Summer strawberries tumbled onto toasted bread, splattered with natural yogurt and honey and sprinkled liberally with cinnamon...all washed down with coffee...delicious. I felt well. I walked. I saw gardens I had not seen in a while. A small lady in a big hat was kneeling in amongst her flowers at the front of her home, I smiled and said Hello and she smiled and said Hello back. I breathed deep. Back home, the washing blew on the line and I could hear my neighbour's grand-daughter babbling in her lovely baby voice. I can feel energy bubbling inside me, a familiar but almost forgotten feeling. The poplars across the road are like upturned green broomsticks, lazily sweeping the pale mauve clouds across the sky. I am happy.

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